Thursday, October 11, 2007

MBA Distance Learning - the way of the future

MBA Distance Learning - the way of the future

There once was a day when being a business-person meant simply working for a business - if you were good when you were there you moved up. Unfortunately, while this is still the same in principle, a lot has changed. Competition is fierce - more and more people are raised to be business-people - they study business and finance as undergrads and then go straight to an mba. It is difficult to compete with people like that if you aren’t in that situation. The good news is that in reality experience is key - your ability to actually successfully work in business is the key - the mba is merely an addition to this and a reflection of your expertise.

The problem that most people face when looking to do an MBA is the amount of work required - there is a lot. Most people simply don't think that they can deal with this level of work while holding down a full time job. However, this is not the case - you can do it, with a little dedication it could be the best thing you ever do.

The most important thing you can consider at this stage is which course is right for you - think about length, work load, certification (you need an accredited MBA). Think about your focus - management, finance, human resources, where do you want to go. Then take a look at an eLearning resource site such as the online Masters Degree programs at the eLearning Yellow Pages to see what courses are best for you - there are many out there, be sure you find the right one! Too many people don't search fully and end up with diploma-mills that teach nothing.

The next stage is to approach your work - remember that this MBA degree is good for them as well - they may help you with funding, study time, and any other preparations. The best option is to present them with a site such as the eLearning Yellow Pages along with a good presentation on which courses you want to do and why. Company backing is one of the major benefits of an online MBA program.

Good luck with your search - if you would like any more information on any of the above please visit the eLearning Yellow Pages!


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