Monday, June 25, 2007

Assessing an Online-Accredited Degree Program

Assessing an online-accredited degree program

The most common reason stated for dropping out of college or not pursuing a degree all together has been the need to start making a living. However, earning and education seem to be connected in a vicious circle here. Having a degree translates into higher paying jobs while to earn the degree one needs to shelve work. Web directories of online studies like bring the solution in the form of institutes that offer online-accredited degree programs.

Online-accredited degree program has slowly emerged as the only way to earn a degree in the desired field without having to put ones professional life on hold. Joining regular colleges demands a potential student to follow strict classroom schedules for which it is necessary to shift ones professional life to the back seat. On the other hand, since online-accredited degree programs allow flexibility in terms of the study schedule to the student they are rapidly gaining favor over regular degree programs. The student can continues to juggle work and studies by enrolling for an online-accredited degree program thus killing two birds with one stone. An online accredited degree program offers the student not only convenience in terms of scheduling the study time but also allows flexibility in the study pace of the student. Whereas regular degree programs move at an average pace, an online student can rush through concepts that are clear and at the same time redo the parts that might need more attention.

Online-accredited degree programs cover a large array of subjects. A desirous student can choose from all the three streams ranging from humanities, commerce and even science. Both bachelors and well as master’s degrees are made available to the desirous candidate.

The curriculums of online-accredited degree programs are especially designed to cater to the distant learner yet this not affect their knowledge levels in any way. Online degrees compare exactly to regular degrees in terms of knowledge, practical as well as curriculums. A thought out online-accredited degree program will provide not only textual material but also interactive sessions with experienced teachers. Self-assessment tests and practice exercises are also to be taken at regular intervals. Since these online degrees programs are offered by recognized institutions and are thus accredited they are given as much weightage as regular degrees.

Choosing an accredited online degree program allows one to earn the desired degree and thus increase ones qualifications as well as earning potential.


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