Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Earn Your Bachelor Degree Online

Earn Your Bachelor Degree Online
"eLearningYellowPages.com is your free directory of online Bachelor Degree programs available through distance learning with the most extensive search engine of all types of bachelor degree online programs. Find a provider that offers the online accredited degree you prefer from among more than 17,000 different online college degree programs. Compare prices and quality with more information is just a click away.
A Bachelor Degree is what is commonly referred to as a "college degree". It is typically a 4-year degree, comprising of 120-128 credits or credit hours. Many universities will allow students to transfer as many as 60 credits from an associate degree program to be applied to a Bachelors Degree. Each Bachelor Degree program normally consists of general education and elective courses, along with your selected discipline (area of study or major), such as a criminal justice degree. The Bachelor Degree is conferred as a B.S. Degree (Bachelor of Science Degree) or as a B.A. Degree (Bachelor of Arts Degree).
It pays to earn your Bachelor Degree and online makes it easier than ever. A recent study showed that those persons possessing a Bachelors Degree earned as much as $500,000 more than those who possess an Associate's Degree over the course of their career! Continuing your education is a great investment, and with distance learning, it is much easier to accomplish! You can get your Online Bachelor Degree in Education or even your Bachelor Degree in Nursing.
Whether you are interested in working towards your Criminal Justice Degree, Business, Engineering, Game Art Design Degree, or many other disciplines, you'll find a great online bachelor degree program to meet your needs here.
Just choose the subject area of study in all of the different online college degree programs in which you want to earn your bachelor degree online and then request information from each school that is best for you. It couldn't be more simple! eLearningYellowPages.com makes it faster and easier than ever to research online accredited degree programs from schools that offer your chosen major."


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